75th Anniversary Celebration 1947 - 2022
Picnic Drawing Prizes
Tickets for the prizes below will be sold at the picnic to members and their guests, there is no limit to how many tickets you can buy. This drawing is not related to the AR15 drawing. Cash only.
1 box 45 ACP 230 grain Tactical HST
1 case Estate 12 gauge # 8
1 Brick 22 rim fire ammo
1 Brick 22 rim fire ammo
2 boxes 5.56 55 grain ammo (20 rounds each)
2 boxes 9MM Norma Range & Training ammo
1 PDP3 Tasco red dot scope
1 $50.00 Midway gift certificate
1 $50.00 Cabela’s gift card
1 Walker electronic earmuff
1 pack (5 each) dues chits
1 pack (5 each) dues chits
1 package (3 packs) self- adhesive targets
1 Birchwood Casey gun cleaning kit
1 Allen Range Bag
1 Midway Tactical 36” rifle case
1 Lyman digital scale
1 Wheeler 43 pc screw driver set
1 Certificate for five (5) free KFG&A trap entries
Note: You must be present at the time of the drawing to win. If the winner is not present at the time of drawing another ticket will be drawn immediately. Prizes subject to change without notice, additions substitutions and deletions may occur based on availability.